Rituals to inspire your New Year


 RITUAL RETREAT library to inspire an EPIC NEW YEAR 






Do you wish there were more meaningful rituals in your life, but things get so busy you keep putting it on the back burner? 


RING IN the NEW YEAR with Rituals that will

help you release the past year,

feed your soul,

inspire intentions,

& anchor you into the NEW YEAR.



Sister, step into this

NEW YEAR brimming with RITUAL Magick.


You'll receive full pre-recorded replay library of a Ritual Slumber party. You will gather with us around a virtual hearth fire & collectively whisper New Year sweetening spells into your tea, invoke abundance, love & healing together, & sit in sound bath journeys of deep transformation.


together our New Year intentions become more clear.



the  RITUAL RETREAT library is full of inspiration & magick for you!


We've gathered the medicine women, the diviners, the healers, witches and oracles to share some of their most potent RITUALS with you!



This is pre-recorded VIRTUAL NEW YEAR RETREAT library to ring in YOUR BEST YEAR YET!

Katya Nova


Art of Ritual for Big Intentions & Big Prayers


Anni Daulter


Rooting your 2023 with Magick

Ayesha Ophelia


Dreaming Yourself into Being -A Dream Time Magick Ritual

Davana May


The Siren's Womb -A Voice Activation & Womb Healing Ritual

Katie Anderson


The Honeyed Kiss -A Bee Sweetening Spell

Fernanda Parra


Maiden meets Crone, a Mother Goddess Activation

Demetra Penner


Vocal Alchemy & Frequency Upgrade- A Sound Healing Journey

Carly Rose


 Asking the Land for Permission 

Brianna Beard


Coming Home to your Breath -An Inner Exhale Journey

Elise Brathwaite


An Energetic Clearing & Inner Alchemy Ritual for 2023

Alisa Shakti


Initiating & Honoring the Living Devi that is You

Tracy Montgomery


Sacred Tools for Divination -A Pendulum Ritual & Clearing

Drea Aguilar


Water Magick -A Pleasure Journey & Yoni Ritual

Emily Hanger


The Oracle Within- a Mugwort Medicine Ritual for the New Year

Lindsay Courcelle


Our Sacred Sites-Fascial Care for our Breast & Wombs

Sweet Annie 


Self Love Winter Goddess Ritual Bath

Veronica Jean-Clarke


A Numerology Transmission for 2023

Mary Isis


a Song for Belonging

Cora Mickael


Tapping your Quantum Flow: a Kindred Meditation

Judy Machado


Sacred Cacao Ritual

Kelli Mason


Connecting Your Energy to the 4 Elements

Krissy Streeper


Moon Goddess Yoga Nidra 

You'll experience a 'charcuterie board' of magick & spells, somatic embodiment practices, breath work, sound bath, rituals to bring in the new year, yoni & voice activation, inner visioning, heart opening, and so much more!



What an EPIC treat! I'm in!

Bring your wishes, & intentions to spin for a prosperous & magickal new year.




it's an ABSOLUTE, YES!

Meet your hosts for this epic


Anni Daultier

Anni Daulter is author of 15 books, a ritual spinner, retreat maven and dream weaver of  'anything is possible.'

She is a word medicine ceremonialist and old-ways magick witch. 

Anni runs sacred women's retreats around the world & is a mother of four living in Oregon.


Fernanda Parra

Fernanda is a keeper & teacher of ancestral wisdom, a red tent ceremonialist, & a sought-after designer of rituals and rites of passage for women.

Originally from Guanajuato, Mexico, she is a Taurean mama of 3, and by the pure grace of the Goddess, lives a short 10minute drive from Anni!


The New Year holds so much Magick for you!!!


Is there something you're ready to release? Come.

Are you ready to plant seeds of abundance & soul-led visions? Come.

Do you want to feel the transformative power of collective ritual? Come.

Want to be held in a cocoon of ritual inspiration? Come.

Want to sing, dance, breathe, and be moved (from the comfort of your home or Airbnb?) DEFINITELY come.



You will want to rewatch these RITUAL transmissions many times in 2024.

᠅ Art of Ritual for Big Transitions & Big Prayers -
Katya Nova

᠅ Dreaming Yourself into Being: A Dream Time Magick Ritual - 
Ayesha Ophelia

᠅ The Siren's Womb: A Voice Activation & Womb Healing Ritual - 
Davana May

᠅ The Honeyed Kiss: A Bee Sweetening Spell - 
Katie Anderson

᠅ Maiden Meets Crone, a Mother Goddess Activation -
Fernanda Parra

᠅ Vocal Alchemy & Frequency Upgrade: A Sound Healing Journey - Demetra Penner

᠅ Asking the Land for Permission Ritual - Carly Rose

᠅ Coming Home to your Breath: An Inner Exhale Journey - Brianna Beard

᠅ An Inner Alchemy & Energetic Clearing Ritual for 2023 - Elise Brathwaite

᠅ Initiating & Honoring the Living Devi That Is You - Alisa Shakti

᠅ Sacred Tools for Divination: A Pendulum Ritual & Clearing - Tracy Montgomery

᠅ The Oracle Within: a Mugwort Medicine Ritual for the New Year - Emily Hanger

᠅ Fascial Care for Our Breast & Wombs: ‘Our Sacred Sites’ Ritual - Lindsay Courcelle

᠅ How & Why to Do a Self-Love Winter Goddess Ritual Bath - Sweet Annie
᠅ A Moon Goddess Yoga Nidra - Krissy 

᠅ Tapping Your Quantum Flow: A KindrĂȘd Meditation - Cora Mickael

᠅ Meeting the Sacred Drum - A Dance Ritual for Ancient Remembering - Fernanda Parra

᠅ Spiraling with the 4 Elements: Connecting to Your Energy Ritual - Kelli Mason

᠅ Water Magick -A Pleasure Journey & Yoni Ritual - Drea Aguilar

᠅Awakening Magick & Infinite Abundance - Anni Daulter

᠅ Sacred Cacao Ritual - Judy  Machado


Each transmission is less than 45mins of pure magick & inspiration, and there is no long or extraordinary supply list.



So, what do you think? Are you ready to start your New Year with this ritual retreat library?

Yes, this all sounds amazing!